Friday, May 18, 2012

End of Year Project

Don't forget to get the topic approved by me on Monday.  Due Date May 31st and we begin the presentations that day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WWII Readings Edited

Make sure you are reading CH 30 WWII in your online textbook that is available on your student portal.  You are responsible for the SEC 1-2-3 for Monday, the 21st of May.  The sections 4-5-6 should be read by Wednesday, the 23 of May.  You will also have reading quizzes to make sure you have kept up with your readings.  Look at the key terms in bold and section review questions at the end of the sections to guide you with the essential knowledge you should obtain from your readings.  You may use notes for your quizzes just don't go overboard- use Cornell Style of Notes.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Project Instructions for Completion of European History

1. Due March 28th: Group Names, Topic, and Each Member's Role
2. Sign up for for your own account and maybe set up a shared account among group to collaborate on presentation.

Editing in Progress

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome to all my new students so late in the school year!

I look forward to working with my new students as we continue into the 3rd quarter and beyond. One thing we all learn going forward is to accept change. The world is changing rapidly and we have to adapt. So I am sorry they changed your teacher on you so late in the year but I look forward to working with you. I hope you learn to love history as much as I do!!!